Sam McDougle will be joining the Department of Psychology as an Assistant Professor in July, 2020. Professor McDougle’s research is concerned with learning and action,...
Dylan Gee has been awarded a Jacobs Foundation Early Career Fellowship for her research on child development. Congratulations, Dylan! The Jacobs Foundation profile of Dylan...
Avram Holmes has been chosen to receive the Society of Biological Psychiatry’s 2019 A.E. Bennett Award for Clinical/Translational Research. The award recognizes superb...
A team made up of Steve Chang in the Department of Psychology, Anirvan Nandy in the Department of Neuroscience, and Monika Jadi in the Department of Psychiatry has been...
Congratulations to Grace Brennan, who has received an American Psychology-Law Society Student Dissertation Grant/Award. This grant supports research addressing psycholegal...
Arielle Baskin-Sommers has been awarded the 2019 Jevon S. Newman Early Career Contribution Award by the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy. This award was...
Ariel Chang has been awarded the Lagerspetz Award at International Society for Research on Aggression for outstanding junior scholar poster presentation. Congratulations,...